Ubloa is the daughter of the chief of the Machakis, and even though she’s only seven years old, she’s brave, she’s determined and she’s a girl who doesn’t seem to be scared of anything or anyone. That’s why she accepts the mission entrusted to her by the Old Wizard in her village, and sets out on a long journey to discover the secrets of the Invisible Warriors and learn to defeat them.

Ubloa is the daughter of the chief of the Machakis, and even though she’s only seven years old, she’s brave, she’s determined and she’s a girl who doesn’t seem to be scared of anything or anyone. That’s why she accepts the mission entrusted to her by the Old Wizard in her village, and sets out on a long journey to discover the secrets of the Invisible Warriors and learn to defeat them.

Wolu was chosen to be the chief of the Machakis many years ago, and he's Ubloa's father. Since she was small, her dad has taught her so many things - how to survive in the mountains, how to sail on the river and all about the plants and seeds we can eat, and the ones that we can't.

The Old Wizard is a mysterious man who lives in a hut a long way away from thje Machakis village. The children are a bit scared of him, because he always wears a horrible mask and carries a staff topped by a lucky charm: the charm of wisdom.

Caeru is short for caeruleus, which means 'blue' in Latin. So you can guess what colour his feathers are! He's a huge bird who's great friends with Blaze, and who has no trouble at all flying right up to the very top of the Healthy Mountain.

Blaze lives in a village that's up on the highest part of the Healthy Mountain, and despite the height and the steep slope he can zip between the peak and the valley like wildfire. So as you can probably guess, that's why his name is Blaze!

Doctor Snorre is a very wise man who's very small too - that's because he's a gnome. He's very irritable and has a really bad temper, but he knows very well how to beat the Invisible Warriors, and thanks to him the people who live on the healthy mountain hardly ever get sick.

Nobody knows more about teeth than the Tooth Master, and he’s always happy to teach children how to clean their teeth properly to protect them from the Invisible Warriors.

Dazzy lives in the Tooth Forest. Everybody there has sparkling white teeth - which is why they always have big smiles on their faces!

Ubloa’s best friend. She thinks he’s a bit of a scaredy-cat, and the truth is he’s not the bravest bird in the world. But he does know how to be careful, and he knows the island of Koutaki better than anyone. And what’s more, he speaks perfect English.

A microbe who chases after people, trying to make anyone he comes across sick, but luckily he’s not very smart. When he thinks he’s got away with it, he grins, showing his one and only tooth.

Wolu was chosen to be the chief of the Machakis many years ago, and he's Ubloa's father. Since she was small, her dad has taught her so many things - how to survive in the mountains, how to sail on the river and all about the plants and seeds we can eat, and the ones that we can't.

The Old Wizard is a mysterious man who lives in a hut a long way away from thje Machakis village. The children are a bit scared of him, because he always wears a horrible mask and carries a staff topped by a lucky charm: the charm of wisdom.

Caeru is short for caeruleus, which means 'blue' in Latin. So you can guess what colour his feathers are! He's a huge bird who's great friends with Blaze, and who has no trouble at all flying right up to the very top of the Healthy Mountain.

Blaze lives in a village that's up on the highest part of the Healthy Mountain, and despite the height and the steep slope he can zip between the peak and the valley like wildfire. So as you can probably guess, that's why his name is Blaze!

Doctor Snorre is a very wise man who's very small too - that's because he's a gnome. He's very irritable and has a really bad temper, but he knows very well how to beat the Invisible Warriors, and thanks to him the people who live on the healthy mountain hardly ever get sick.